So, I purchased Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3 and Corel Paint It! Photo off of Amazon. Not only was it cheaper than buying it off of the Corel site- I also have Amazon Prime- so no shipping costs for me 🙂 I can’t wait until it comes.
I went through the process of contacting a number of graphic artists, but when you’re a mother, going to school, and working part-time, you can’t really afford to give your money away to everybody.
Although, at this point in the editing process, I am starting to wish I HAD it to pay someone else. With about four hours break for a short nap, I have been going at this since yesterday.
The good news is, I think I will have done the revisions I wanted to make, and completed it by next week. Then it’s off to the editor for proof-reading, and after that it’s on its way.
I can’t wait.