Review Requests

So I just sent out a crapload of review requests.  I sent out so many that I just saved a form letter (which is what I should have done from the beginning anyway,) and forwarded them to each reviewer.  I’m waiting on two or three reviews back before December. 

The waiting is hard.  And so, I go on and I look at every single blog which does reviews, and I send out requests to each and every one.  I’m still not done- I never knew there were so many reviewers in the world.  Literally thousands. Blog after Blog after Blog.  I’m getting frickin’ carpal tunnel from sending all these review requests lol.

And I’m hoping against hope that the majority of them will have mercy on my poor little writer’s soul and do a book review, because I need one badly.  “Likes” on facebook and Smashwords are nice- but they’re not enough.

I need a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or Smashwords.

So.  Here I go.  Back to the list and back to begging the reviewers to pllleeeeeze review my book >.<

Wish me luck! lol

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  1. That is tough – I'm going through the same thing right now and feel your pain. What we need are a couple of good minions to help us out 😉

  2. I know >.< lol The best responses I've gotten were going through blogs on bookblogs though. However, alot of the reviewers are backlogged.

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