So I recently discovered this e-mag called Raglitmag. And they’re looking for writers to submit to their magazine. I thought this was absolutely awesome. I’ve been looking for writing opportunities to get my name out there “officially.” That way when I submit a query to an agent- I’ll have something to say other than “I’ve been writing for a really long time.” As Janet Reid says on Twitter, “I won’t believe you’re published unless you tell me the name of your publisher.”
So, here I am now, starting another project. At first, I was going to complete the story of the soul reaper in Choices. But I realized, after writing the next scene, that I really want to do his story some justice. And I can’t do that in only 5,000 words. So, I’m putting that to the side for a moment until I can truly focus and give it the attention I need to give it.
I still have to finish The Dragon’s Call. As YA, it’s an easier piece to write- but it still takes time and effort to write 80k-90k words and make it good.
The only problem is: while I’m writing this piece, what can I do to make a name for myself, (or at least not be someone no one has ever heard of lol,) and maybe make a little cash on the side? Hence, the short stories for Raglitmag.
So then I had to come up with another piece specifically for the mag. I don’t know if they’ll accept it when I’m finished with it, but I’m making it as interesting and suspenseful as I possibly can- so we’ll see.
And who knows? If they accept my submission- you’ll get to see me in an officially literary magazine, (albeit an online e-book one.)
The piece will be called Wraith, and I’ll be blogging about it as soon as it’s submitted. I won’t get to post my work unless it’s rejected, however, because they don’t accept pieces that have been previously submitted.
So, hopefully, everyone interested will check out Raglitmag to see my work if it’s accepted!
Wish me luck 🙂