I’ve gone through a really hard period lately where depression killed my ability to write, or crit, or do anything productive at all. I really do think there are times when life is so overwhelming it can cause a state of emotion that’s debilitating. Frustration, discouragement, depression–these are all emotions that can cripple your ability to write or do anything creative.
So what is the best thing to do when this happens?
- First, it’s important to remember that the body and mind need to rest periodically. Sometimes we have so much on our plate that we forget this.
- Sometimes writing or creating can be therapeutic. Writing something, even something that might not be all that great, in the midst of deep emotion can be cathartic.
- It’s important to concentrate on the thought that nothing lasts forever. Sometimes it feels like it. It may even get worse, but nothing lasts forever.
- (Reread #1) Let yourself realize that it’s ok to just take a break, to rest, to not do anything until your body and mind have rested enough.
Last, but not least, make certain there’s someone you can go to, someone you can confide in about what’s dragging you down. Often, connecting with others speeds the healing process more than anything else.
Depression is debilatating (even affects one's ability to spell), but people who are in depression need the help of professionals who can treat it because not all depression is the same and not every treatment works the same for every person. For those with the blues or feeling lethargic, writing can help and the suggestions are good. But I might also recommend, walking in the sunshine, getting out and around people, allow someone to tickle you, eat smoked salmon, do push-ups until your arms ache, make your bed in the morning (a made bed is harder to crawl into), shower every day, clean the house, the car, the garden, the laundry, dishes, ANYTHING. Nothing blows away the blues as much as a simple accomplishment. And remember, once a day, scream for two minutes into a pillow. Depressed–seek help; have the blues–turn on "Born to Run" by Springsteen.
-rick (ain't no doctor, but likes "Walking on Sunshine")
Good pointers, Rick 🙂 I'm definitely no doctor, so going to one is what's best!