Really?! Oh, Come On!

For some reason OOSA, an online book review blog decided to post their 1star review TWICE:


I’m not angry at the rating. Trust me, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But WHY would someone post it twice? Is there no kindness left in the world?

I really hope it’s a glitch–otherwise it would seem there’s no limit to douchebaggery.

If you can find it in your heart to do so, please, do me a favor and downvote both of the reviews and report them to amazon so that one of them can be removed?


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  1. Fiona Archer

    Let's hope it's a glitch. I'll go visit now.

  2. Not to be contrary, but I have contacted your blog prior to this regarding the fact that you rated the book against your policy of rating books less than 50pages, which was why you gave the book the one-star rating. I didn't receive a response then and felt I would not receive a response in regards to this issue.

    But I'm glad it was a glitch and nothing more 🙂

    Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂

  3. Glad to hear they removed one of the reviews. I really don't think that one review was even fair. People just aren't reading the descriptions through. I have seen this before with short stories unfortunately. I wouldn't take it too personal. Every great writer has a group of lovers and haters.

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