Interview with Kaneshia Michelle – Ruck’s Nightmare

Today I interviewed indie author Kaneshia Michelle! She’s also holding an awesome giveaway – the prize is a signed copy of Ruck’s Nightmare. Check out the giveaway and the interview below 🙂

  1. When did you first decide you wanted to write?
I can’t really remember a time
when I didn’t want to write. I grew up an only child for almost ten years
before my sister was born, and my mother and I didn’t live in an area that had
a lot of children. From that, I had to build an imagination and entertain myself. For hours I would be lost in my
own stories, and, by middle school, I started to put them down on paper.
  1. What is your favorite genre to read and/or write?
Yes, this is truly my favorite
question. I don’t have a genre. I am addicted to a good story… period. It
doesn’t matter if it’s romance, comedy, drama, action, suspense or horror. If I
had to be a bit more specific in my choices of writing/reading material, I love
characters that are well rounded in their development – no person is perfect,
and a character with a good flaw, a good constructed past will make me happy
every time.
  1. Do you have a favorite author?
Gosh, I have plenty! I love
plenty of authors for different reasons. My answer for this will have to be Pat
Conroy. He is splendid with his character development and detail to the story.
The first book of his I read was Beach
when I was seventeen years old. His novel changed the way I viewed
stories and the way I wrote them. With him, I wasn’t reading a story; I was a
part of it. I felt the characters, their problems, their lives – right down to
the food they ate. It isn’t often you get moved by words on a page.
 Mr. Conroy moved me.
  1. What was it like writing Ruck’s Nightmare?
Writing Ruck’s Nightmare was a pure joy. Growing up I was a sports fanatic. To be more specific – I was
crazy for football. At a time – during my growing up years – I had lived in a
small town. Friday and Saturday game nights were quite interesting. No, the
town didn’t close down like in the movies Varsity Blues or Friday Night Lights,
but there was a bit of energy in the townsfolk. And, as for the players, well,
there was always a little pep to their step because they were on the team.
I wanted to capture that. I
wanted to capture that energy for a few pages. And, on a deeper note, I wanted
to see what happened to the star of a high school team of a small town who
didn’t make it.
  1. Is there something you want to write about, that
    you haven’t yet?
I’ve just recently gotten into
sci fi reading, but I still keep a little distance on the genre. To write sci
fi you have to sell your world as hard as you have to sell your story and your
characters to your reader. That’s a lot of hard work, but it can be fun work.
Vampires aren’t what you call sci
fi, it’s more Fantasy then anything. I do have an idea for a vampire story and
currently working on it, but I’m still a little unsettled with the idea.
Vampires aren’t a new story, not an original idea by any means. If you were to
write a story about vampires, there’s already an audience out there and they
have been very faithful over the years.
I don’t want to mess up their
favorite supernatural being by not doing my homework on the character, or not
giving the audience something new that they haven’t yet seen or read. 
  1. What is one silly fact about you?
Every Christmas, without fail,
for the last eleven years, I have to watch the marathon of the Christmas Story.
I’ve seen it million of times but the movie never, ever, get’s old.
  1. Do you have a favorite character you have
    written so far?
Fall Pryor, from my story: The Chase.
I almost didn’t write the story
because I just could not get a good handle on Fall. I wrote him with the
military background and a jaded past, but his softer side – his weakness, his
strengths and his love – didn’t come together as fast as I’m used to when I’m
in the character development stage.
I didn’t really see Fall, for the
character he was, until I was mid way in the story.
I’m glad I finished The Chase. I love Fall Pryor, he is an
interesting man and I can’t wait to pick him back up again for another story.
  1. Do you get influenced by people in your life?
Of course, and not just by family
members or those only closest to me – I like to keep my eyes open and see the
world around me, including the people in it.
  1. Anything you want to say to the readers of my
For those aspiring writers out
there, to me, the hardest lesson in writing is learning how to delete passages
that don’t work in your story. The POWER OF THE DELETE BUTTON, is a hard,
inevitable calling when you’re dealing with a Story Snag – not writer’s block.
Ways to deal with the deleting is to make a development log where you can copy
and paste your deleted passages. Trust me, it helps to know that your work
isn’t gone forever. If a certain passage doesn’t work in one place, it can work
in another. 

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