Writers, Readers, Book Bloggers…Triberr???

It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged about Triberr, but some interesting changes have occurred  and I would be remiss not to mention them.

First, if you don’t recall, Triberr is a social networking platform geared towards growing your social networking platform.

“Huh?” you ask.

I’ll say it again.

Triberr is a social networking platform that helps you increase your social networking audience.

Now, if you are an expert in social media, you may immediately see the possibilities and endless benefits engaging in this network could provide. Even if you’re not a social media expert, if, perhaps, you are just a humble author, blogger, human-who-wants-some-attention-and/or-followers, you too may see the possible benefits.

The main benefit is this: you gain an audience.

No IFs, ANDs, or BUTs about it.

For authors, this is our life’s blood. Why? Because no one will read what we write if they don’t know who the hell we are. And if you are new to the social media world and need to start building a platform, I maintain that this site is an essential tool to assist in that process.

What is even better about Triberr, is that they are now offering even more easily accessible ways of connecting and promoting whatever it is you’re trying to promote.

  1. The ability to connect with and join a numerous amount of tribes filled with people who have large audiences and can promote your work to their audience – while you do the same for them.
  2. The ability to create tribes geared toward promoting the specific type of product/blog/whatevermajiggy you are pushing to the forefront.
  3. Connecting with and building relationships with like-minded individuals who are promoting similar topics.
I really can’t say this enough – if you don’t have an account with Triberr, JOIN NOW.

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  1. I've been part of triberr since you had to get an invite to join, and while it has got me plenty of views it has done little to get me followers or regular commenters. While I'm not ready to dump it, I am cooling on the platform recently, since, though I regularly approve my tribemates posts, I have obtained no (0) reciprocity in almost a month. That is something that has never happened before.

  2. I cooled from Triberr in the beginning when everything was based on bones and purchasing more of them- I ran out and was unable to participate as a result. I'm thinking many members did the same. I recently went back and discovered they've eased up on the bones purchasing requirements and have become active again.

    As it is, I don't often get comments on my blog, but that doesn't usually bother me. I usually don't get comments unless I'm bemoaning some tragic event in my author life anyway lol

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