Interview with Author Christoph Fischer


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We’re on the last legs to Poems, Lyrics and Psalmos: Wooing Muse Book launch event with only 8 more days to go! We’ve got another awesome author named Christoph Fischer who was gracious enough to let me do an interview. Check it out and then make sure to check out the giveaway below!


Tell us about your book “The Gamblers”
“The Gamblers” is an easy to read thriller about money, friendship, love and trust. Ben, an accountant, wins the lottery and finds that the money makes his life more complicated than hebargained for. It’s a fun book but not without some serious undertones about gambling and trust.
Have you written any other books?
Yes. I have written four historical novels, mainly set in Central Europe during the first half of the 20th Century; two contemporary dramas about Alzheimers’ and mental health, and one medical thriller, “The Healer”.


When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
About five years agoI started writing a short story, only to see if I could do it. The thought of finishing a whole novel seemed actually rather arduous to me and I didn’t think I’d see it through. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it.


How long does it take you to write a book?
If all goes well, the first draft for a novel can be done within three weeks (after research if needed) but then there aremonths of editing and re-writes. Working full time, with beta readers and editors at my full disposal,I’d say it takes about four months from the first word to the printed book in my hand.


What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?
Tough, because there is also marketing and publicity work to be done. I get up early and walk the dogs, then I sit down and ideally I write until I need a break or run out of steam. Then I do the marketing. It’s easy to forget to eat or go shopping during those phases.


What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

I prefer writing in the morning, when it is quiet, with my dogs by my feet. I need a PC and a mouse to copy and paste fast enough so that I won’t lose my train of thought.


Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
Most books that I’ve written were inspired by subjects that fascinated me naturally, such as ancestry research, historical facts or family issues (i.e. Alzheimers’). I read up on them out of interest and the plot ideasdeveloped from there.
The idea behind “The Gamblers” came from real life. My partner and I talked about what we’d do if we won the lottery. I’m quite content with my life andcouldn’t think of much I would want to buy or change on my life. In fact, the thought of having multiple houses and staff felt like too much hard work for me. Wealth and looking after it can be a burden and can take away your freedom.  The idea of Ben, the stingy accountant and reluctant millionaire, and of all the things that happen to him in my novel was born.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Walking my dogs, exercising, reading fiction books and non-fiction (I’m interested in politics and psychology). I also like a good laugh and enjoy comedy programs on TV.


What does your family think of your writing?
They are very supportive, even though writing and marketing often cuts into family time. I’m very lucky.


What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

How important book covers are. Ever since I got involved in making them I pay more attention to them and learned how much I judge the books by their covers.
Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
I get some questions and feedback from readers via Goodreads and the blog (but not enough yet to hire an assistant). Some want to discuss historical details, ask about my research and further suggested reading, others mention favourite characters or scenes – or typos they’ve found.
The highlights arethe personal letters by people who told me how well they related to some of the stories.One woman in particular stood out. She was undergoing chemo therapy and identified with my cancer patient Erica. That was an amazing and difficult moment for me.
Do you have any suggestions for other writers? If so, what are they?

Go for it. Keep writing, don’t be discouraged and work on your craft.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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