The Prediction by Darren Sugrue 4 out of 5 stars
I actually discovered this book through the advertisements on my paperwhite. I’m not normally a lover of forced advertising, but I actually like that books show up randomly on my kindle. The randomness of the advertisements leads me to authors I might not normally be exposed to on my own search for new books. I saw this particular book as a result of these advertisements and it was the byline that caught my eye, and made me decide to purchase the book: Nobody knows the day they’ll die …Until now. Interesting, right? The price helped also, a mere $.99 on the kindle. After all, if I didn’t like what I read, I’d only wasted a dollar, right?
No worries, I didn’t waste my dollar ^.^
This book is about Daniel, a “failed” mathematician. He creates a theory that death is possible to predict if you utilize all possible data necessary to estimate a given person’s predilections to disease, accidents, and other negative genetic information. The storyline jumps forward and backward six months in time which, along with the many main characters involved, got a tiny bit confusing. However, each and every character mentioned was absolutely essential to the flow of the plot.
I don’t want to ruin some of the plot twists of the book so I won’t say too much about who dies and who doesn’t, but the ending of the story was both heart-rending and bittersweet. I was in tears by the end of the book. The story flowed smoothly and was well-thought out; the pace was even and picked up rather quickly. The plot twist at the end caught me by surprise. All-in-all, an absolutely excellent read, and one that is staying in my kindle for good. For those of you that care about such things, the author seems to be an indie author – and one that, if all his writing stays true, will become popular very quickly.
Excellent job —-> 4 out of 5 stars.