Joining us today on our start of The Dragon’s Call Giveaway Event is Editor Kimberly Huther. She has graciously agreed to tell us a little about the editing process and how she brings to life an author’s books! Make certain to check out the interview, then head to the event and join in the giveaway below!
Interview with Editor Kimberly Huther
K.W. – First, I want to thank you for agreeing to discuss this process! It’s the part about writing that writers hate the most! Please go ahead and tell us a little about yourself.
Kimberly H. – My name is Kimberly Huther and I’m from Rochester, NY. I’ve been a professional proofreader and editor since 2008. I have a BA in English, approximately 2500 published books to my credit, and roughly 30 authors in my stable. Also, three of my clients achieved bestselling status while working with me, and four others have received awards for books I edited.
K.W. – What inspired you to pursue this career?
Kimberly H. – After multiple jobs that didn’t satisfy me, I realized that I could make a living out of doing something I’m extremely good at!
K.W. – How did you get started?
Kimberly H. – I cold-called every ad agency in the Yellow Pages and ended up with SIX clients! Just by cold-calling!
K.W. – Can you walk us through your process and how you approach editing a new book?
Kimberly H. – The way my brain works I’m able to copy edit, line edit, and proofread all at the same time as I’m reading through the manuscript. I use Track Changes so my clients can see the edits.
K.W. – What are some common challenges you face and how do you overcome them?
Kimberly H. – The biggest challenge I face as a business owner is drumming up new business. Working for yourself rarely provides steady income, so I just keep putting myself out there!
K.W. – What advice would you give to authors looking to hire an editor?
Kimberly H. – When looking for an editor to hire, keep in mind that the good ones — the ones with years of experience and expertise — are going to cost more than you think. An experienced editor/proofreader is worth his or her weight in gold. Think of it as investing in yourself and your work. You get what you pay for! Also, don’t skip the proofreading. It’s an absolutely necessary step in the editing process, and I provide that level along with the copy editing and line editing.
K.W. – How can authors effectively collaborate with an editor?
Kimberly H. – Keep an open mind and be willing to accept constructive criticism.
K.W. – Do you have any books that you edited and fell in love with?
Kimberly H. – Rozsa Gaston’s Anne of Brittany series is one of my favorites. I adore every one of my clients, truly, and love working with them!
K.W. – Thank you so much for joining us here! Let everyone know where you can be contacted.
Kimberly H. – I can be found on Facebook under my name, Kimberly Huther, or folks can contact me at
Make sure to check out Kimberly Huther as she will be featured on KAY’S COLLAB CORNER Jan. 29, 2025 through Feb. 3, 2025!