Interview with Author Shonda Sorrells

Interview with Author Shonda Sorrells

We’re well into The Dragon’s Call Giveaway Event and today we have with us Author Shonda Sorrells. She’s here to reveal her work Jeffrey and give us highlights of her writing process. Make certain to check out the interview, then head to the event and join in the giveaway below!

K.W. – Thank you for joining us today. Please tell us about yourself.

Sorrells – Hi, I’m Shonda Sorrells author or several works, most notably “Jeffrey” with a few more on the way.

K.W. – Can you tell us a little bit about how you got started?

Sorrells – I started writing when I was very young. I’ve always been interested in things that are dark and taboo.

K.W. – Is there anything that inspires you?

Sorrells – Everything around me. Books, movies, newspaper clippings, articles, random and odd facts, just anything and everything that I find interesting.

K.W. – So what does your process look like? Do you brainstorm?

Sorrells – I usually have a random thought that I discuss with my husband

and we explore the topic until it’s something I can’t get out of my head.

K.W. – Once you have an idea, how do you approach writing a new book?

Sorrells – I tend to think about it for awhile, formulating some type of plot that may or may not make it to the final version. Then I begin writing whatever comes to mind and it turns into the end product.

K.W. – Who or what are your biggest influences?

Sorrells – Stephen King, Richard Laymon and Jack Ketchum

K.W. – What do you do to stay inspired? How do you stay creative?

Sorrells – By reading often

K.W. – What are some common challenges you face?

Sorrells – How to incorporate new characters that won’t overpower the story

K.W. – That’s something we all struggle with as writers! How do you overcome these challenges?

Sorrells – I try to run through it as if it were a real scenario.

K.W. – What trends do you see emerging?

Sorrells – I see more and more people leaning on AI to write for them which to me, isn’t writing

K.W. – What advice would you give to other authors?

Sorrells – Don’t write for anyone other than yourself. Your audience is out there. Not everyone will love your stories but there are many more who will.

K.W. – What is your favorite character you’ve written and why?

Sorrells – Jeffrey for sure. He was my first serious character and I grew quite attached to him

K.W. – Are there any upcoming projects you’re excited about?

Sorrells – Quite a few

K.W. – What are your goals for the future?

Sorrells – To continue writing the best that I know how and to constantly


K.W. – Can you tell us some of your favorite thoughts?

Sorrells – I’m just a girl who loves to read and write dark books with lots of triggers. Coffee is a necessity not a luxury. Stephen king is one of the greatest writers of all time. While I love the color black because it goes with everything, pink and glitter are my favorite colors. I love fall and winter more than summer, and dark, gloomy, rainy weather is my favorite. I love snacks and naps; snacks and naps are the absolute best.

K.W. – Much thanks to Author Shonda Sorrells for joining us today! All her works can be found through the links below.


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