So it seems I have been nominated and awarded the Liebster Blog Award by A.D. Duling! Thank you! Check out her blog here:
The nomination, in her words, is explained below:
If you are not familiar with the Liebster
Award it is given to fairly new blogs with 200 or less followers. This is a way
of giving recognition to bloggers for a job well done. It brings undiscovered
blogs to the light and helps them gain exposure to attract more followers. If
you receive a Liebster the person giving it to you is basically saying, “Hey,
Aww, shucks…they think I rock! Awesome!
Do you want
to nominate a blog? Here are the parameters :
1. First you need to thank
your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. You must link back to
the blogger who presented the award to you.
3. Copy and paste the blog
award on your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs you
think deserve some recognition. Remember they have to have 200 followers or less
when presented with a Liebster!
5. Make sure you let the bloggers you
nominated know they have a Liebster! Leave a comment on their blog, DM on
twitter, Facebook post–however you normally get in contact with
Now for my five (5) nominees, because they are super special to me
and I know you’ll enjoy them!
1. Fabulosity Reads: I’m nominating the Wendy, the author of this blog, because she does such an awesome job in her reviews for authors both independent and traditional! You’re awesome Wendy!