All of you social media expert savvies out there may know all the golden rules of gaining a gathering, but for one fairly new to the game it may come as a surprise that there a certain things one shouldn’t do if one wants to gain–and keep–an audience.
Today, as one who has learned from scratch the pitfalls of gaining a social media audience, I am here to let you benefit from my mistakes and painfully won wisdom!
First and foremost in this post, we will discuss the difference between flaming and trolling.
- Flaming is when someone directs an insult or personal attack against someone else in the course of a disagreement.
- Trolling is when someone (usually under a fake id name) makes a divisive statement with the intent of inciting anger in the readers/listeners.
Now, I think we can all agree that neither of these activities are the thing to be engaging in if you’re trying to build and maintain an audience!
Unfortunately, there is also a third misstep one can make if new to the pitfalls of engaging in social media: Stating a personal opinion.
Now, this is not to say that all opinions are taboo–just the ones I’m going to list below!
- Politics
- Religion
- Questionable Humor
- Nothin’ But Ads
I’m certain you experts in social media will say, “Duh!” But trust me, I have made those mistakes myself!
So, in the interest of saving those others who might be new to building an audience through social media, I will give my own hard-won piece of advice:
- Never, unless that is your main platform, engage in political talks or debates! This might seem quite obvious to some- but trust me the temptation can be overwhelming! I’ve noticed this is particularly difficult with Google+ where politics can flood the stream faster than CNN can tell us realtime news.
- Never, engage in debates or comment on religion! This might also seem obvious, but unfortunately, when politics come up–discussions on religion are not far behind. This is a temptation one must avoid! Engaging in debates on this topic will lose you adherents faster than a sinking ship can lose rats! Don’t do it!
- Be cautious about what type of humor (whether images, or otherwise,) you post. There is nothing wrong with humor- but make certain you only post messages/images/whatever to audiences who want to be aware of whatever type of sick humor you possess! Now, some of you out there may be endowed with the normal ho-hum, completely-acceptable-to-normal-society humor. Some of you may even be so blessed to not be cursed with a sense of humor at all! But for those of us with the quirky, subversive, slightly disturbing sense of humor– be quite careful not to run off those who are not cursed in the same manner. After all, the bottom line is holding onto adherents who might one day feel like maybe checking out whatever it is you’re advertising.
- And last, but not least, Never have nothin’ but ads! This might work at first- but in the long run you will lose any and all interest in your product. Just. Don’t. Do. It.
I hope these have been helpful- I have learned through a great many trial+error moments exactly what will piss people off! So don’t make my mistakes!
Good luck!
Yep. Great advice, this.
Good post, sound advice.
Kareen, many people have built their platforms / social media audiences on posting (often divisive) positions on politics and religion. I think that old saw applies here: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. While it's true that politics, religion and other hot topics can lose audience members, it can also gain followers. The cost, though, is fairly constant controversy which is not for the faint of heart. As someone who has posted on those issues, and lost (and gained) social media friends as a result, I would only add to your post that if people do take on those topics, they need to do so with awareness of the consequences.
Great advice. Thanks for sharing through the IWW.
Some great advice, I agree with completely. I also read what others had to say and think Adrienne is right too.
I myself write about everything/anything (Scattered Musings)but won't write about topics I don't have some knowledge in. In all honesty I didn't loose readers/followers with my random shouts about the taboo topics, but did loose some when I started more reviews/giveaways/mom related writing. Which is fine, some don't mesh with my mommy antics or enjoy giveaways. A true follower/reader can/will normally enjoy anything you write about, after all they continued reading for the most part because they liked your writing style. (I've heard it many times, Deb I love your writing style).
Enjoyed your article, thanks for sharing
You can't lose traffic if you never had it.
Thanks 🙂
Thanks Bob 🙂
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
Very true! And staying aware of the consequences is a good point.
Thanks for reading 🙂
lol Mark 🙂
Some of that might fall under ads- not sure tho- I'll pop into your blog and check you out 🙂
An interesting post. Makes me want to rethink what I'm doing on FB and on my blog. Yes, I do like quirky humor, but so far, my social network seems to be for rather than that oh-so-important platform. So people on FB will know me just the way I am. The two blogs I write (writing and travel) each have a unique audience. Neither one seems quite right for supporting my someday published novel. Maybe I just don't care?
No worries 🙂 I have a personal account on FB which is just for family and friends- perhaps you could make a separate account?
Some great advice here, thanks for sharing, it's always good to be reminded of these things every now and then.
Megan @ Storybook Love Affair
Thanks for reading 🙂
Not sure I totally agree with this, especially as it relates to comedy, but I'll consider it. I try to post a couple of oddly funny items a week along with a book cover (I write paranormal comedy). I get more comment and hits with those posts than with anything else I've tried. I do, however, try to use only humor with a modicum of decency.
"I do, however, try to use only humor with a modicum of decency."
Yes. Uh…erm… I do too! >.>