Writing: A Sport?

Today author Lynne Hinkey graciously said she would guest post on her journey as a writer. Thank you Lynne!

Writing is an Endurance Sport

Lynne Hinkey

Writing is
an endurance sport. That’s been my mantra for the past few weeks. Two months
ago, I received a request from an agent for the full manuscript of my current
novel, Chupacabra and I’ve been
patiently waiting to hear back. You know patience may be a virtue but it isn’t
one of mine. I refrained from sending daily emails, but just barely. I did send
a friendly note after six weeks and got a prompt reply that I was next in the

This week,
I received the “thanks, but no thanks” letter. The agent took the
time to tell me what she liked and what wasn’t working for her. Enough worked
that she read the entire ms, but overall, something missed the mark. [Insert
the sound you associate with a crumpling ego and dashed dreams here.]

What’s a
poor author to do when, after spending months, even years writing and editing
and polishing, an agent says “no” to their masterpiece? Not so long
ago, the options were to persevere or give up.

But this is
a new age in publishing; the options have expanded. Authors who have put in the
thankless hours of finishing a novel (that itself is an accomplishment) no longer need to face the demoralizing
anguish of being told, “It’s just not good enough.” Instead, they can
rail against the agents for “not getting it,” rant about “the
gatekeepers,” and justify their own work with, “I’ve read books that
are worse than mine.” Then they can run their ms through spell-checker and
immediately proceed to the self-publishing option of their choice to get their
book out into the world, ready or not.

I have that
option, but I’m not going to take it. A marathon runner can’t take a short cut
and still win the race. Just ask Rosie Ruiz.

I also have
the option to look for small publishers, as I did with my first novel, Marina Melee. For new writers, small
publishers offer a great way to break into the publishing world. My publisher,
Casperian Books, is easy to work with, provides valuable services like layout,
cover art, press releases, and help with marketing that I wouldn’t have had I self-pubbed.
With their help, I’ve learned a lot about selling books and now feel better
prepared to approach agents. My experience gives me something more to offer
them than just another manuscript in the slush pile: appreciation for what they

It took one
of my favorite authors, Christopher Moore, eight years between deciding to
become a writer and selling his first book, Practical
Demon Keeping
.  He spent a year
writing it, and almost another whole year polishing and editing before it sold.
His persistence paid off. True, that was before the advent of easy, cheap
self-publishing, but, would he have chosen that path? “I can’t imagine marketing a book without an agent. I’m
doing this to write, not to be a salesman. I left being a salesman to write
books, so I’m happy to have someone to do the selling
Sounds like a no to me.

Moore‘s Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove sat on the desk next to me for
inspiration while I wrote Chupacabra.
His writing inspires me and his words in this interview even more so. I’m in
this to write and I’m in for the long haul. As tempting as it might be to
self-publish the current, pretty good version of Chupacabra, I’ll get back to polishing, I’ll work on the areas the
agent suggested, and the story will be even better. When I do find an agent,
it’ll get better still.

Am I
missing an opportunity by not considering self-publishing? Maybe. But I think
it’s for an even better one somewhere down the road. Being a novelist isn’t a
sprint, it’s an endurance sport. That takes patience and persistence. While I’m
not known for the former, I have the latter in spades. The finish line, a
writing career, is important enough to me that I’m even willing to work on the
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  1. With 527 rejections under my belt, you can be damned sure I agree with you. It's a marathon not a sprint. And, each time I received a rejection that had comments, it made the book stronger and stronger. Forge on. Kick Rosie in the shins. (And I do remember her.) You'll cross that line, and soon.

  2. I'll remember not to let the rejections get to me when I start sending out my own ms!

  3. Anonymous

    Lynne. I'd love to read what displeased the agent. It would be helpful to know what to avoid doing.
    Barb Johnson

  4. Although I'm sorry the agent rejected the manuscript, I'm happy you turned your experience into an uplifting article. With your attitude, imagination and great writing, you'll make it, Lynne!

    I loved Marina Melee and can't wait for Chupacabra to be published, but I guess I'll have to exercise my patience as well and wait for the even more improved version of it.

  5. Having a wonderful support group like IWW helps keep one's spirits up when the rejections start rolling in! Can't recommend this group enough!

  6. (put the reply to the wrong person here!) Chupacabra is a murder mystery but the identity of the murderer is revealed early on. The mystery is how the protag is going to figure out what's going on to prevent going to jail himself. The agent thought I could increase the tension by holding off on the full reveal.

  7. What an encouraging article. Yes, a writer certainly needs endurance. I started writing my forst book about six years ago. It's been through so many changes I can hardly remember which parts I inserted later. Each step helped to make me a better writer. Unfortunately, none of my 50 – 60 replies from agents/publishers offered any comment except 'not for me' or something similar. At last, the book has been accepted by a small publisher. I'm running out of time, although compared to a writing friend, I'm a youngster. You, Lynne, are just a baby. Hold on to your plan.

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