Brood of Bones by A.E. Marling

Brood of Bones by A.E. Marling 4 out of 5 stars

Hiresha is shamed by the weakness that has left her flawed. Although she has become an Elder Enchantress, it doesn’t soothe the blow of never having a relationship, never having children. Although still suffering under the weight of humiliating memories of her childhood, Hiresha returns to her home city, Morimound, at the call of Sri the Flawless. When Hiresha arrives, she finds that not only has Sri been reduced to shame and a pronunciation of death, she is pregnant. But Sri should not be with child–she’s in her seventies.

Sri tells Hiresha that it is because of the shame of her pregnancy that all the women of Morimound are with child. Hiresha, filled with doubt, travels to the temple and discovers Sri’s words are true: All child-bearing females from the ages of twelve up are pregnant.

But when Hiresha performs an illegal examination on Sri she discovers a horrible travesty.

From there Hiresha must pit herself against the evil, dreaded Lord of the Feast while searching out the source of the pregnancies. But are the pregnancies the result of an angered god or a man lustful for power? And how far must Hiresha place her own honor on the line by pitting her wits against the Lord of the Feast?

This tale, Brood of Bones, is one of the best stories I’ve read in a long time. The conflict was engaging, and the anti-hero complicated and conflicted. The villain could have been a little more fleshed out, but the story on the whole was delightfully told.

I have to say this book was a wonderful piece of story-telling and I’m looking forward to more tales from this author.

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