The Cinemization of Books

There’s no doubt about it, the book world is evolving. Once, the only advertisement a book got was in review magazines and the best place in the bookstore.

Ah, but now.

Now, we have book trailers!

This new era of providing visual stimulation for a medium that is pretty much static, seems to have ocurred since the boom of e-publishing.

The only problem is, do they actually do any good?

I’ve seen a few book trailers in the past year. And the while some of them have been interesting enough, only one actually made me want to read the book. I’ve even had a book trailer created for me, but I’m not sure how much exposure it’s given me.

And it seems others are asking the same question: Are book trailers really helpful? Or are they a medium used by authors looking for any way to build a platform?

Chuck Wendig discusses his own thoughts on book trailers in his blog Terribleminds

So what do you guys think? Are they helpful or just a waste of time?

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  1. One wonders how much it would cost to put a book trailer after a movie. Probably way more than putting it on YouTube, and a potentially smaller audience, but I see Snooki's next book, picked up by a major publishing house and being pushed to recoup the advance.

    "Snooki's Parenting Tips". Come read the Jersey Shore's greatest star advice mother's about which mixed drinks not to have when pregnant, how to pick the right six to ten guys for fatherhood, how to where six-inch heels to be fashionable while carrying your extended belly on a baby-strolling to clear the way while snarfing junk food.

    No, not much future, but I've been wrong before.

  2. When they first came out, I think book trailers did some good, as they were the latest thing. Now? Not so much. I've yet to see one that made the difference in my buying decision. But Snookie? Yes, that would undoubtedly be better and more entertainment than any book she put out.

  3. I think you're right about when book trailers first came out. Makes me wonder what "new" thing can be thought up that will help with exposure. At least, until it's not new anymore.

  4. I don't know. People are always looking for something new. I guess it depends on the quality of the trailer. Interesting business. It's changing so fast, I can hardly keep up. Too bad it's not just about writing books anymore.

  5. I think book trailers are interesting, but I think one has to market with the passion and heart of lion and keep at it to an almost constant ebb and flow. 🙂

  6. I know what you mean. But I think authors will be required to do their own advertising more as time goes on.

  7. I think you're right. Marketing definitely has to be focused to get any kind of exposure.

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