When Insomnia is a GOOD Thing (Or damn, I finally got some writing done)

So I’m on the eve of my third day of less than four hours of sleep a night.

And, no, I’m not up because I want to be.

Now, the crappy thing about this is, well, I WANT TO SLEEP.  But, thankfully, there is a silver lining on the cloud.

I’ve actually gotten a crapload of work done.

Not only have I been spending nearly all my daytime hours rewriting, editing and reworking The Dragon’s Call, I’ve been spending nearly all my nighttime hours doing so as well!

So, I’ll look at this as the glass half full. I’ll finish with my WIP that much faster than if I was getting the sleep I actually need.

Which is awesome.

But when this W-I-P has become an M-S and then an actual B-O-O-K, I’m going to buy myself enough drinks to lay my ass out for a full day.

Can’t wait.

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