What Will YOU Be Doing?

Looks like November is going to be a busy month if you’re writing! We’ve got NaNoWriMo starting Nov. 1, then Thanksgiving with the relatives, Black Friday and Cyber Monday!

Now here’s the dilemma.

For self-pubbers it’s absolutely critical to get novels out there with reviews for Black Friday. With Barnes n Nobles coming out with new versions of Nook, and Amazon coming out with new Kindle Paperwhites and Kindle Fires HD, brand-new (hopefully one-click-buy-button happy) customers will be joining the ranks of ebook readers!

But how will anyone find the time to advertise or get new novels out there when NaNoWriMo starts in less thess than 3 weeks?


What to do? If you haven’t completed the novel and edited yet – just wait until the following month? Or strive day and night living only on hot lattes to get that book out there before the sales season starts?

Good question.

I haven’t tried NaNoWriMo before, but I think I will this year. To me, the idea of starting a novel off from scratch and then forcing yourself to write 50,000 words in a month is ingenious and, if I might say, a necessary test of myself as a writer.

It makes me ask myself: Do I have the drive, the ambition, the ability to survive on nothing but coffee to finish a novel in less than a month?

The answer to this question will be very interesting.

Because if I can do it – these excuses I always give myself will never be valid again

  1. I don’t have time!
  2. I can’t force myself to write – the scene doesn’t feel right.
  3. I’m too busy!
  4. There’s no way I can finish a whole book in a month!

Ever had those pass through your head?

Maybe you’ll want to try NaNoWriMo, too.

If so, maybe push back publication dates on your novels to December.

After all, we all know Christmas is the biggest day for Kindle/Nook downloads – so don’t sweat it.

Maybe you have time after all.

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  1. Anonymous

    Hi! I'm reading blog posts when I really should be finishing up my WIP so I can start a fresh one for NaNoWriMo!

    Somebody slap me!

  2. lol amy 🙂 I'm writing blog posts when I should be writing MY WIP lol – someone should smack me too hehe.

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