Interview with Kara Tollman


Today I was able to interview aurhot Kara Tollman about her new release Jilted. Check out what she had to say 😀

  1. Tell us about
    your book ­­­Jilted. Have you written any other books? When did you first
    realize you wanted to be a writer?

I wrote a novel based on a true story titled
Her Silent Tears. This novel takes the reader through the life of a child that
has been physically, mentally and sexually abused. I will warn you, the scenes
are very graphic.
I first thought about being a writer when “Maggie”,
the victim in Her Silent Tears, approached me about a book she wanted to have
written. I took the bull by the horns and ran with it.

  1. How long does it
    take you to write a book? What is your work schedule like when you’re

I think that depends of the storyline. Jilted
took me a few months, where Her Silent Tears took a few weeks.

  1. What would you
    say is your interesting writing quirk? Where do you get your information
    or ideas for your books?

I love writing a bit of humor with a heaping
helping of mystery. In Jilted, the character “Molly” is a ditsy young woman who
tried for one day to give up men.
The ideas for my books seem to pop into my
head. I’ll be starting another novel titled Checkmate as soon as the release
for Jilted is underway.

  1. What do you like
    to do when you’re not writing? What does your family think of your

When I write, I usually have it quiet. I
rarely watch television because my mind plays movies inside my head. I turn
these images into a novel. So far they have worked.

  1. What was one of
    the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

The most surprising thing for me was how easy
it is to self-publish. Once you have the manuscript and the editor does their
part…you need a cover designer (incidentally mine is awesome!) Then it’s just a
matter of deciding if you want to do the formatting or hire someone else. I had
someone else do mine.

  1. Do you hear from
    your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?

I have a few readers that contact me. I think
it may be easier once I get a fiction novel on the shelf. Not a lot of people
like to read fiction based on a true story books. Jilted is all fiction.

  1. Do you have any
    suggestions for other writers? If so, what are they?

I have noticed you can’t just write a novel
and say it’s done. You have to write, re-read, change some things, write some
more then edit, edit, edit. When you’re finally satisfied place the manuscript
aside for a few weeks then go back and read it as you would any other novel…fix
the things you find wrong and then when you think it’s at its best send it to
an editor. When it comes back, consider their changes, then you’re on your way.

Thanks, Kara!

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