I have recently complained about the loss of many perks from the KDP Select program and have felt that the golden days under the sunshine of affectionate Amazonian regard were coming to an end.
I did not, however, think that the end might be worse than just losing a few perks here and there until I read an article on Derek Haines blog titled “Self Published Authors Get Ready, You’re Being Dumped.”
After reading it, I’m reluctantly starting to believe he might be right.
Why else would all the perks disappear from Amazon’s much-touted KDP Select program? Why else would each change in the mysterious Amazonian algorithms damage indie ratings and showing in the best-seller lists?
And it’s not traditionally published authors who are being censored by Amazon – it’s self-published authors who are being censored.
Do these developments herald the end for self-published authors everywhere?
I think not.
You see, Amazon forgot one little thing when it created the KDP program.
It placed something intangible, yet powerful in the hands of writers everywhere.
The ability to write and publish work directly to readers.
The ability to take destiny by the hand and walk with one’s muse without stressing over piles of rejection letters.
And that is something that, once it has been tasted, is difficult to give up – at least not without a fight.
I’m not going to moan and groan about maybe getting dumped by Amazon – I’m going to be proactive by diversifying my self-publishing options. All but one of my books are available on multiple venues, and I will continue to find other platforms to offer my stories to readers.
And if you are a self-published author, you should, too.
I'm not self published, but I agree that Amazon has really made some steps in a dark direction. We can all hope they pull out of this nose dive, but I don't see them showing the slightest interest in even trying.
I know what you mean. I was all over the Amazon bandwagon at first, but as the saying goes – Absolute power corrupts absolutely.