Today S.J.B. Gilmour, author of Golden Mane, kindly gave in to my pestering for an interview 🙂 Make sure to check his giveaway HERE
- When did you first decide you wanted to write?
I’ve always been a scribbler –
ever since I learned how to write. I
think it’s hardwired into my brain. If I
don’t write, letting all the words and ideas out, I’ll have some sort of
ever since I learned how to write. I
think it’s hardwired into my brain. If I
don’t write, letting all the words and ideas out, I’ll have some sort of
The real question, though, is
when did I first decide to publish what I write? Well, a year or so back, I put out a short
story The Department, just as an experiment.
I wanted to see if I could do it, and if I did, what kind of reaction
would I get.
when did I first decide to publish what I write? Well, a year or so back, I put out a short
story The Department, just as an experiment.
I wanted to see if I could do it, and if I did, what kind of reaction
would I get.
I got fan mail. Let me tell you, that’s the best thing ever
for a writer, except being paid, of course.
It was that positive feedback that spurred me on. I haven’t looked back.
for a writer, except being paid, of course.
It was that positive feedback that spurred me on. I haven’t looked back.
- What is your favorite genre to read and/or write?
always loved reading sci-fi and fantasy classics. Heinlein, Tolkein, RE Howard, MaCaffrey,
Lieber… You get the idea. But, I also
love a lot of the new paranormal and fantasy stuff, especially from indie
authors. Such fresh voices!
always loved reading sci-fi and fantasy classics. Heinlein, Tolkein, RE Howard, MaCaffrey,
Lieber… You get the idea. But, I also
love a lot of the new paranormal and fantasy stuff, especially from indie
authors. Such fresh voices!
As for
writing, well I do a mix. I love fantasy
and sci-fi. This coming year, I hope to
be releasing the first in a sci-fi series I’m working on, but I also write
paranormal erotica, crime and YA fantasy.
writing, well I do a mix. I love fantasy
and sci-fi. This coming year, I hope to
be releasing the first in a sci-fi series I’m working on, but I also write
paranormal erotica, crime and YA fantasy.
- Do you have a favorite author?
- What was it like writing Golden Mane?
Exciting. I started writing as a complete pantser –
writing by the seat of my pants. No
planning whatsoever. Then, when I
realised I actually had a story that could go somewhere, I did a complete
writing by the seat of my pants. No
planning whatsoever. Then, when I
realised I actually had a story that could go somewhere, I did a complete
It was also very humbling. I started off all cocky. I’m going to be a famous writer! I’ll make squillions! I’ll be signing heaving bosoms in
bookstores! Then I got stuck into
proofreading and got feedback from beta-readers, and also the inevitable
rejection letters.
bookstores! Then I got stuck into
proofreading and got feedback from beta-readers, and also the inevitable
rejection letters.
Wow. I still cringe when I think of the mistakes I
made and how ridiculous my ego was back then.
I still have the ego of course; every writer needs a jumbo-sized ego or
else words would never get into the hands of readers, but I try to keep mine in
made and how ridiculous my ego was back then.
I still have the ego of course; every writer needs a jumbo-sized ego or
else words would never get into the hands of readers, but I try to keep mine in
- Is there something you want to write about, that
you haven’t yet?
Oh yeah. I’d dearly love to get stuck into some urban
fantasy stuff that I’ve compiled a whole bunch of ideas for. Think X-files type stuff. I’m pretty sure most of the ideas I have in
my “ideas” (original name, huh?) folder wouldn’t stand up to more than 8-10k
words, but a collection of them might be a fun series to play with.
fantasy stuff that I’ve compiled a whole bunch of ideas for. Think X-files type stuff. I’m pretty sure most of the ideas I have in
my “ideas” (original name, huh?) folder wouldn’t stand up to more than 8-10k
words, but a collection of them might be a fun series to play with.
- What is one silly fact about you?
You know the little soaps you get
in hotel rooms? I collect those. Superwife thinks I’m crazy, and she’s probably
in hotel rooms? I collect those. Superwife thinks I’m crazy, and she’s probably
- Do you have a favorite character you have
written so far?
James Isaacs and Melanie
Hazelwood (both from my Wolfenvald series, of which Golden Mane is the first)
have been the most fun. They’re my
“badder” characters among the good guys.
Hazelwood (both from my Wolfenvald series, of which Golden Mane is the first)
have been the most fun. They’re my
“badder” characters among the good guys.
- Do you get influenced by people in your life?
Probably, but not as much as I
used to. I’m 42 now, and most of my
values and opinions are pretty well-set.
That may make me sound close-minded, but it’s true. If you don’t have a good idea of who you are
and what you believe in by 35-40, something’s probably really missing from your
used to. I’m 42 now, and most of my
values and opinions are pretty well-set.
That may make me sound close-minded, but it’s true. If you don’t have a good idea of who you are
and what you believe in by 35-40, something’s probably really missing from your
I do try to keep an open mind,
especially about things of which I know very little, but generally, I write the
ideas that come into my head and sometimes, just sometimes if the character,
like that irascible James Isaacs, has the opportunity to let off some steam, I
vent through them.
especially about things of which I know very little, but generally, I write the
ideas that come into my head and sometimes, just sometimes if the character,
like that irascible James Isaacs, has the opportunity to let off some steam, I
vent through them.
- Anything you want to say to the readers of my
Thanks for dropping by! Thanks for reading! Without readers, we writers would just be
sitting in corners, rocking and muttering word-spaghetti.
sitting in corners, rocking and muttering word-spaghetti.
G+ profile:
Twitter: @sjbgilmour
Twitter: @sjbgilmour