Interview with Jennifer Donohoe

Today we have an interview with Jennifer Donohoe – thanks, Jennifer!
  1. If you could travel in a Time Machine
    would you go back to the past or into the future?
I’ve never answered this question in an interview before, I thought this would
be a good place to start. I would go to the past. The reason being is because I
would want to visit all the pivotal moments in my family’s history – going all
the way back to the beginning. I’m always curious as to what they faced – the
adversities, challenges, decisions and such. I think it would add valuable
insight as to how I came to be.

  1. Any other books in the works? Goals for
    future projects?
I am
currently finishing up Fly Away – an urban fantasy about an 18-year old girl
who finds out her whole world isn’t what she believed it to be. By the
treacherous hands of others, she finds out she’s from a different world. In
order to save her friend from Leukemia, she takes her there only to have her
kidnapped by the evil living in the center of this sanctuary. She must go to
the center of all evil to rescue her friend. On the way, she finds out the
battle isn’t for her friend’s soul, but her very own. I’m also working on the
sequel to Willow’s Journey – The Dragon King.
  1. What TV show/movie/book do you
    watch/read that you’d be embarrassed to admit?
I would
say, True Blood. I don’t know why I watch the show, but I always find myself
watching it. I really think it’s a dull show and very predictable. However,
there’s always something intriguing about the fantasy world to me. I suppose
that’s why I mainly write that genre.

  1. Do you prefer a bunch of small gifts or
    one big expensive one?
prefer a bunch of small gifts. I’ve always been like that. Sometimes, they take
on more meaning than a large gift does. However, I wouldn’t object to someone
giving me a brand new car or the home of my dreams. Hint.

  1. If you could take over the world, would

No. I wouldn’t want the responsibility. I’m too much of let’s get along and
stop the fighting type of person. However, as one of my co-workers says, I’m
the type she wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley if I were angry with her.
She says I have patience to the point of being scary sometimes.
  1. Do you prefer to write in silence or
    with music?
always write with music. The music depends on the story I’m writing. It can be
anything from Celtic traditional to modern rock. However, it cannot have words.
It’s the words that distract me and influence me. I prefer to let the music
flow and allow my thoughts to flow along with it.

  1. Something your readers would never guess
    about you?
Oh my
goodness – I think the most interesting thing about me personally is that I
actually witnessed Jeffrey Dahmer graduate from high school. He went to school
with my cousin. Now that’s scary. Other than that, I wouldn’t even imagine what
people would guess about me.
  1. If you could leave this world for your
    “book world,” would you?
would love to live in those worlds, but probably without all the drama. My poor
characters earn their rights to survive in my novels and I probably wouldn’t
make it past the first three pages. I would like a Saille though – she’s the
fairy in Willow’s Journey.
  1. How many books are in your TRB pile?
Way too
many – then add a couple more. I would imagine the number has grown to be about
75. I buy paperback or hardback books. I don’t like reading from an e-reader
even though I own one. I like feeling the paper in my hands and seeing the
printed words. I know I’m a dinosaur. I just think there’s nothing like a
library in a home. It just adds more depth to it.
  1. Scariest moment?
probably should have saved the Dahmer thing for here, but since I didn’t know
he would turn out to be a serial killer, I don’t think that counts.
J Wow, I’ve had such an
event filled life that this is actually hard for me. I’ll go with the one that all
parents fear – their kids’ lives being in danger. I learned a very valuable
lesson in 2004. I will never again say to the television, “Why didn’t you leave
knowing a horrible storm was headed your way?” I was faced with this decision
when Hurricane Ivan came into Pensacola in September. I had my two youngest
kids, three dogs, and a brand new home about to face a category 4 hurricane. I
couldn’t leave. I knew my dogs wouldn’t be able to go with us. I also knew we
would get stuck on the road and have to face the hurricane in a car – not the
best experience. Another issue was that we were only two miles off the Gulf of
Mexico.  I huddled in the living room
with my kids, dogs, and a whole lot of prayers through 24 hours of winds
sustained over a hundred miles an hour, two tornados, and sounds you couldn’t
even imagine. But all turned out well. Would I do it again? Honestly, I can’t
answer the question. We do what we have to do when the moment arises. We can
never say we would do something unless actually faced with it.
  1. Do your friends or enemies ever find
    themselves in your books?
Oh yes
and they know it. For Willow’s Journey – Saille is my daughter, Ryuu is my
oldest son, Tecumseh is my youngest son, Aengus is my grandfather, Caer is a
mix of women I know, and so on.
  1. Are you for or against books being made
    into movies?
I am
definitely for books being made into movies. Some things seen on the big screen
from books are just fabulous. However, I don’t like when the movie departs from
the original story or ideas in the book. Then I say – leave a good thing alone.
  1. What is your favorite part of the
    writing/publishing process?
favorite thing about the writing process is the creation part. I love to build
my characters, worlds, and taking the journey with them. It’s always such a
cool treat.

Twitter: @donohoejennifer
Author of: The Legend of the Travelers: Willow's Journey
Now available at Amazon: (Paperback) 
Now available at Barnes-n-Nobles:
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  1. Jennifer, you witnessed Jeffrey Dahmer graduate from high school – ohh, wow! – and you had to drive out of a hurricane? Wow! I know how you feel about True Blood – never saw it myself but got hooked on The Vampire Diaries, much to my embarrassment, and (dare I say it in public?) got Kareen hooked, too, when I told her about the show!

  2. Anonymous

    Hello Carol. Thanks for your response. We didn't actually drive out of it. We had to stay and go through it in my home. 🙂

    Thanks Kareen for having me. I appreciate the support.

  3. @Carol – you did hook me on The Vampire Diaries- and now I'm bitterly waiting for the next episode that is taking much too long lol

    @Jennifer – Thanks for appearing here – you're an awesome author and I'm glad I could interview you 🙂

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