Interview with Cate Beauman

Today, Cate Beauman is here for an interview!
  1. When
    did you first decide you wanted to write?
can honestly say the urge to write took me by complete surprise. I’ve come to
realize that my path to storytelling was paved in divinity. In 2010, my family
and I transplanted ourselves hundreds of miles from the only place we’d ever
called home. Long story made short, everything was falling apart: I hated my
job and quit. My husband and I had resigned ourselves to being poor and living
on a one-person income. But then, literally out of nowhere, I had this
epiphany. A story idea popped into my head and I decided I was going to make it
into a novel.  Morgan’s Hunter was born
many months later.  I loved every second
of it!  Now, three best sellers later, I
can’t imagine doing anything else!
  1. What
    is your favorite genre to read and/or write?
I’m a romantic
suspense girl all the way!  I read it and
can’t get enough. I write it and can’t get enough.
   I love creating complex
plots that weave love and danger together. I think the romance in a story is heightened
considerably when your characters have so much more to lose. I can’t imagine
writing any other genre.
  1. Do
    you have a favorite author?
 Without hesitation, Nora Roberts! I want to be Nora when I grow up!
  1. What
    was it like writing The Bodyguards of L.A. County Series?
is incredibly demanding. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done (minus
parenting, of course!).  Creating
Morgan’s Hunter, Falling for Sarah, and Hailey’s Truth was an adventure for
sure—sometimes thrilling, sometimes painful! 
The fourth novel, Forever Alexa, seems to be following suit. The
research, drafts, revisions…whew!  But at
the end of the day, it’s so much fun getting inside my characters’ heads and
watching their stories unfold. 
  1. Is
    there something you want to write about, that you haven’t yet?
have more stories I would like to include in The Bodyguards of L.A County
series. The original plan was to stop at six, but I’ve come up with at least
three or four more novels that must be shared with my readers.  Ethan Cooke Security and his group of
deliciously hot close protection agents aren’t going away anytime soon
  1. What
    is one silly fact about you?
a disaster baker when it comes to brownies and cakes! For some reason, I can’t
ever get them right, but I make rocking good cookies and pies!  I’ve never been able to figure out the
mystery behind that one!
  1. Do
    you have a favorite character you have written so far?
all of my characters hold a special place in my heart, I would have to say
Hunter Phillips, the hottie blond with great blue eyes, a dimple in his chin
and one hell of a bad attitude is my favorite good guy.  He’s a tough, cynical, smart ass with a
painful past. When Morgan Taylor discovers he has a few well-hidden sweet
the bad guy front, I would have to say Zeke Denmire from the second novel in
the series, Falling for Sarah.  I can’t
say Zeke is my favorite because he has any redeeming qualities. He’s actually a
disgusting monster, but Zeke made me work. I really had to dig deep to find the
depths of evil he possesses. I think Zeke easily embodies every woman’s worst
  1. Do
    you get influenced by people in your life?
think it’s impossible not to. Family, friends, readers, they all play a role in
who we are. I think it’s safe to say that little aspects of my life end up in
my characters and stories. 
  1. Anything
    you want to say to the readers of my blog?
Never despair when
life feels like it’s falling apart. Sometimes the best opportunities are
waiting just ahead. I’ve learned that on this amazing two-year writing journey.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be a best selling author. Heck,
I didn’t even know I could write, but here I am.  Dream big and GO for it! 

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