Interview with Author Jeff LaFerney



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Fun blog (The Red Pen)

Only 13 more days until Poems, Lyrics, Psalmos: Wooing Muse Book Launch party, and we’re continuing the must-read-author-list in celebration of the Giveaway and the Event! Author Jeff LaFerney joins us today to showcase his work ^.^ And don’t forget to check out the giveaway and sign up below!


Thanks for agreeing to do this interview! So, first question – if you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future?

I’ve written a time-travel book and studied all the geniuses who have numerous scientific “rules” for time travel. They all say you can’t go back in time. So that’s where I want to go. I’m such a rebel. I think forward might be scary, and I think backward would be informative, and it would tick off the experts. J


Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?

I just finished Lost and Found (well, just published it…I’ve been revising forever, it seems). At the end, I left a way to write a sequel, but it remains to be seen if anyone wants one. J  My second time-travel book is 6 chapters complete. Maybe I’ll finish it. I have a unique idea for a love story adventure with a married couple. If I get courageous, I may write that one.


What TV show do you watch that you’d be embarrassed to admit?

So you’re trying to embarrass me? I sneak away on my Kindle and watch Orange is the New Black on Netflix. I watch it entirely for the drama, of course.


In your wildest dreams, which author would you love to co-author a book with?

John Steinbeck. I’d like to mess with the guy—write some funny lines or have a happy character. Maybe if he wrote with me, we’d surprise some readers with a twist in the plot and the theme wouldn’t be life sucks so tragedy is inevitable. How about John Steinbeck with a happily ever after ending?


If you could take over the world, would you?

Not a chance…unless I had super powers.


Do you prefer to write in silence or with music?

I used to write a lot to music, but I’m kind of out of the practice. Music doesn’t distract me at all; however, I often wonder if I was truly alone…in solitude…if maybe I could be magically inspired.


Something your readers would never guess about you?

Somethings?? I’m 53 years old (most people don’t believe it). I hate prunes, beets, vinegar, coffee, vampires, Duke, Michigan winters, and quitting (who would even think to ask about those things?).


If you weren’t a human, what would you be?

How about an eagle? Protected…I could fly…symbolic… Oh, wait. How about a good dragon? I can never decide these things.


What’s your favorite word?

It must be “was.” It’s all over my books. I have to edit out hundreds and hundreds of them.


What books do you love that don’t get a lot of hype?

I love The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton, The Eyes of the Dragon and The Colorado Kid by Stephen King, A Painted House by John Grisham, Wish You Well by David Baldacci, The Princess Bride by William Goldman, and The World According to Garp by John Irving. I could name more. J


How many books are in your TRB pile?

Probably close to 100. I subtract and add…add and subtract, and it’s always too big to deal with.


Do your friends or enemies ever find themselves in your books?

Friends barely. Enemies never. There are bits of me, things I personally enjoy, and experiences I’ve had in my books, but I rarely write anything about anyone I know.


Where is your favorite spot to write?

I have an office…sort of like a man cave filled with sports memorabilia. It has a couch and a fake tree, a window and a huge desk, a comfy chair and lots of bookshelves.


What drives you insane about the writing process?

Two things drive me batty. 1) Every time I read my book, I change things, so I only know when to quit when I can’t get myself to read it again. 2) I swear that errors grow of their own accord. How can I and many, many other people read something over and over and we all miss ridiculous errors that once they’re found are so totally embarrassing?


What is your favorite part of the writing/publishing process?

I never have one answer do I? 1) Getting that first printed edition in my hand is always awesome. The sense of achievement is hard to compare.  2) Having people tell me they loved my books or they can’t wait for my next one is the affirmation that makes the whole process worthwhile.


I’ve written five novels. Loving the Rain, Skeleton Key, and Bulletproof are in the Clay and Tanner Thomas suspense/mystery series.  Jumper is a fun time-travel adventure. Lost and Found is a mystery/treasure hunt with some historical ties.


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  1. Jeff LaFerney

    I want to thank you, K.W., for allowing me to be interviewed and make a visit your blog. I appreciate what you're doing for indie authors in general, but me in particular. Thanks again.

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