So, now that the process for publishing Poems, Lyrics, Psalmos: Wooing Muse is completed, and all that awaits is the Big Event, I’ve gotten back into the groove of researching background info for completing Dragon Kin.
I’ve come across a lot of interesting information while I’ve been expanding my own understanding of how cultures, mythology, geography, and cultural mixing can effect our contemporary fantasy tales. The video posted above is the first of a six part series discussing Celtic culture and beliefs. Celtic Daily Life is another excellent example of easy-to-read resources on Celtic culture. I read the tiny book within a span of 4-5 hours.
One particular fact I discovered while researching the background on the Celtic goddess Danu, was that her part, at least, in Celtic religion had ties to ancient Hinduism.
This was interesting because, while I had hoped to be able to connect some of the mythology utilized in The Dragon’s Call and Dragon Kin with that of Assyrian and Babylonian religious and mythological tales, I wasn’t certain I would be able to find anything to validate utilizing their mythology. Needless to say, I’m excited and can’t wait to read more of the history of the Celts and any additional outside religious influences their culture might have experienced through time.
While I’m delving back into research and getting my Muse revved up to complete Dragon Kin, I’m completing the recording process for the audio verson of Poems, Lyrics, Psalmos: Wooing Muse. The Big Event is just 11 days away and the countdown continues.
Wish me luck and make sure to check out the giveaway below ^.^