It’s been a long journey for The Dragon’s Call series.
As you can see above, the book (poor thing!) went through a couple different looks before I arrived at the cover it has today. The oldest cover is the gray-tint filtered cover which I created on an old version of paintshop pro. It’s not the best cover, but what I loved most about it was the model (who I wish I had been able to contact to utilize her photo in other cover projects) and Derek’s emerald dragon eyes. Whenever I think of Derek, those eyes on the first cover, are the one’s I see ^.^
The second cover was donated to me by Niina C, a talented cover design artist, and the third and final cover I slaved over for days created and absolutely love ^.^
So, as you can see – Cecily and Derek’s story is no stranger to change. Keeping that in mind, I’m still completing the WIP that was going to be called Dragon Kin.
Unfortunately, as I mentioned in prior posts, while part I (Dragon Kin) was long enough to publish, I wasn’t certain if part II (The Dragon Throne) would be long enough to publish alone. This led to some consternation on my part because I had originally imagined Cecily’s story as a trilogy not a duology.
However, after some editing and rewrites – and attempting to combine both books, I’m at a word count of just over 70,000. Now, although I’ve not finished writing – I still have some key scenes and chapters to write before I’m anywhere near done – any writer can tell you that even 95k words is not enough to split into two separate novels.
So, I came to a conclusion ^.^
The sequel to The Dragon’s Call will be The Dragon’s Throne.
The temporary place cover I had been utilizing will be altered to a finished version that better represents the new title and the story’s completion.
Speaking of which, if you’d like to get a whiff of a couple chapters – check it out HERE.
And make sure to join in on the giveaway below ^.^