Reviews, Anyone?

Poems, Lyrics, Psalmos: Wooing Muse


So, leading up to the Poems, Lyrics, Psalmos: Wooing Muse event I’m continuing to give away #free copies of the ebook format HERE

I’m also sending out a request, (for all those who would love to be involved,) for honest reviews of the book. If interested, feel free to download the book, and you can post your reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes&Noble, or Kobo.

If you see any other books of mine that you would like to read (for free) and review (for you bibliophiles out there,) feel free to send me a note ^.^

Also, the #Giveaway continues! Make sure to check it out below for a chance to win a free audio copy of Poems, Lyrics, Psalmos: Wooing Muse and other fun stuff as well!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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