Frustration and Reviews

So I’ve been hip deep in review requests from authors for KWM Digest, and it’s frustrating because it has left little to no time for my personal projects. I started doing the reviews because I wanted to help other indie authors and get the chance to read new material…but I didn’t realize just how time consuming it would be.

So, I’ve decided that after I finish with the review requests I have, I’m going to limit reviews to once a month. Hopefully, that will leave me time for my own work, and still give me time to help other indie authors who need reviews. I know how hard it is to get reviews. I’m trying to get reviews myself.

In any case, I’m backed up 7 or 8 authors. It will be awhile before I request book copies, or ARCs again.

I hate doing it, but I’ll never finish the stories that are nagging me if I don’t.

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  1. I know how you feel because I was starting to feel a bit the same a while ago! The more requests I was accepting as well left me with very little time to also read books that I WANTED to read. I think it's a good idea to limit it because otherwise it does tend to become quite life-consuming. Good luck with the reviews.

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

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