We’ve all gone through those horrible moments where someone posts a dark, terrible, aweful review on Amazon.
And we stress, and pull our hair, grit our teeth.
Perhaps we even imagine a scathing retort.
But there are a two things one SHOULD NEVER DO. If you don’t know what they are, I’ve listed them below.
- Never respond rudely to a reviewer.
- Never pay for a positive review. EVER.
I had the chance to read an article today on a person making thousands of dollars posting up fake reviews.
PLEASE, no matter how tempting it is– DO. NOT. PURCHASE. FAKE. REVIEWS!
You’ll ruin your credibility as an author but, and this is much worse, you ruin the credibility of self-pubbed authors who are trying everywhere.
Don’t give into this temptation. It’s unethical and dishonest.
Just. Don’t. Do. It.
I read about this as well…I even heard (could be rumor) that a particular Indie author paid $100 for a few of his reviews…I hope not…completely agree KW!